I just finished reading this book for the third time and found it better than the first. I think this book is truly the yardstick for all self-improvement books. It is amazing that a business booked published sixteen years ago still remains as a top seller. The “habits” are really quite simple in premise and concept, but as with most improvement books the difficulty is in the execution.
Here are the habits that we should each develop:
For me, on this read, I felt that number 3 is the habit I need to focus on. With the technology advances in communication today, I find that too frequently I work on the issue is that latest email rather that the most important task each day. The “squeaky wheel” syndrome is easy to overtake us when a string of emails come flying in about an issue. The issue may need timely attention, but not necessarily immediate attention.
If you have not read this book, make it top-of-the-list read this year.